Wednesday 28 November 2018

Advertise Your Music to Gain More Publicity and Recognition

If you’ve ever released songs or album into the world, you know it’s more than just the music. With so much content out there nowadays, if you build music you will come across mentality won’t get anyone too far, unless you know where and how to find music. Truth is, even though every band starts their music career somewhere, we don’t actually hear stories of quiet releases, songs with more than 1,000 spins, or a let-down that came from unmet expectations on release day.

Luckily, there are a number of tools - free & paid for Advertising Your Music that helps you spread the word about music, shows or events your fans need to know about. While we’ll admit we often encourage indie bands to learn earned media strategies - think press features, referrals, social networking, paid advertising, done strategically, work. And in case the term “paid advertising” already has a few of you cringing, we’ll do our best to hit need-to-know basics, in hopes you can apply these concepts as soon as today.

Advertising Your Music

Effective Advertisement of Your Music is a Game CHANGER! 

When it comes to music advertisement and promotion, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution.  What mostly works for some artists will not work for others, and vice versa.  However, here’s one thing we can tell you for sure: the majority of artists are using advertising as a blunt force weapon that has huge benefits to their music career. Let’s discuss those benefits:
  • Increase attention
  • Boost an advert’s chance to be noticed and understood
  • Build positive associations between the brand and the song 
  • Enhance key brand messages
  • Influence intention and likelihood to purchase
  • In addition, unquestionably the most important to marketers as it increases sales & boosts productivity!
So many Best Online Music Marketing Companies offer exceptional Advertising and promotion services, but the services that you’ll get from Starlight PR is quite different. We have built a great reputation as one of the premier music marketing and artist branding PR firm in the music industry. You can easily start, raise and achieve your career goals with us. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.